2: The World’s Most Famous Exoneree (Amanda Knox)

American Amanda Knox was an exchange student living in Italy when she was wrongly convicted of murdering her British room-mate, Meredith Kercher.

Amanda spent four years in prison before her name was cleared.

She’s now a journalist, public speaker, author and podcaster… and giving a voice to others who have been wrongfully convicted

Kylie speaks to her about life after jail - and if it’s ever possible to regain your identity after a world-famous court case.

They also discuss Amanda’s most important role to date - being a mother.

Amanda Knox on Twitter

Amanda’s podcast, Labyrinths

The Truth About True Crime

Amanda Knox - ‘A Surprising Gift from my Wrongful Conviction’

This episode features discussions about mental health. If you, or someone you know needs support, visit these websites for more information:

samaritans.org - mind.org.uk - time-to-change.org.uk

The Innocence Podcast is brought to you by The Manchester Innocence Project

Presenter/Researcher: Kylie Pentelow

Producer: Lucy McDaid

Editor: Kris McConnachie

Executive Producer: Professor Claire McGourlay

Donate to the Manchester Innocence Project